LITTLE ROCK - Mar 21/11 - SNS -- The latest weekly rice market summary for the United States was released by the USDA today.
National Weekly Rice Summary
Domestic shipment: Offers, fob mills, milled rice, spot prices, dollars per
cwt, bagged. (All milled rice grade No 2 not to exceed 4 percent brokens, except
California grade No 1. All second heads grade No 4 or better, second head and
brewers are bulk.) Rough rice per cwt FOB farm for grade 2, milling 55/70.
Arkansas Texas Louisiana California
Long grain 25.00-27.00 26.00-30.00 25.50-26.00
Medium grain 32.00-37.50 32.00-37.50 38.00-42.00
Short grain No quote
Parboiled 30.50-35.00 31.00-38.00 40.00
Second heads 15.00 15.00 15.00-16.00 16.50-17.50
Brewers 12.00-13.50 13.00-13.50 12.00-13.50 13.50
Long grain NA NA 11.52 NA
Feed by-products (spot prices, dollars per short ton, fob mills).
Rice bran 130.00-150.00 120.00 105.00 130.00-135.00
Rice millfeed 60.00-65.00 no quote no quote
Rice hulls 15.00-20.00 no quote no quote 10.00
Domestic Situation
Domestic milled rice price quotes were mostly steady this week in the south
and steady in California. By-products were mostly steady in the south and
steady in California. Louisiana rough rice was steady.
In the south, long grain rice price quotes were steady to instances 50 cents
lower, quoted mostly at 25.50-27.00; medium grain prices were steady, quoted
mostly at 32.00-37.50; parboiled quotes were steady, quoted mostly at 30.50-
32.00; second heads were steady, quoted mostly at 15.00; brewers were steady,
quoted mostly at 12.00-13.00. Rice by-products: Offers for rice bran were
steady; millfeed was steady to 5.00 higher; hulls were steady. Louisiana rough
rice was steady.
In California, medium grain milled rice prices were steady; Short grain
milled rice was in very short supply for spot sales, not enough new sales to
quote a market; second heads were steady; brewers were steady. Rice bran was
steady; hulls were steady.
Source: USDA- AR Coop Ext Service, Little Rock, AR