Physical rubber prices turned better on Saturday. The market opened steady but firmed up later on covering purchases following a better closing on NMCE. Traders seemed to be expecting higher prices on Monday once the trend setting Japanese markets resume trading after the long weekend holidays.
Sheet rubber improved to Rs 237 (236.50) a kg according to traders. The grade declined to Rs 236 (237.50) a kg as reported by the Rubber Board.
In futures, the May series improved to Rs 235.16 (233.51), June to Rs 239.50 (237.75), July to Rs 240.75 (238.80), August to Rs 235.61 (234.32) and September to Rs 230.20 (229.13) a kg for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).
Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 237 (236.50); RSS-5: 234 (233); ungraded: 230 (229); ISNR 20: 231.50 (230) and latex 60 per cent 145 (145).
(Source: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/commodities/article1981336.ece)