Wheat producers interested in learning the current position of U.S. Hard Red winter wheat and projected variables impacting the 2011 harvest should make plans to attend the Producer Market Awareness seminar planned for March 29 to 30. The seminar is hosted by the K-State International Grains Program in partnership with Plains Grains, Inc., and will be held at 1980 Kimball Ave., 102 IGP Building, Manhattan, Kan.
"This program is an opportunity for Hard Red winter wheat producers to gain information about how global market situations impact their decisions about when to sell their grain," says Mark Fowler, IGP associate director.
Fowler and Mark Hodges, executive director, Plains Grains, Inc., agree this collaboration allows them to deliver relevant market information to producers in an optimum format.
"The industry has rarely seen this type of comprehensive program. It will be of interest to all segments of the industry including producers, elevator managers, Extension leaders, millers and end users," Hodges says.
The presentations will cover a wide range of topics, says Fowler. Topics include: current crop conditions in Kansas and across the U.S.; global climate changes and their impact on crops; transportation issues and logistics with a focus on rail issues; grain trading; and the environmental and variety impact on wheat quality.
"This seminar will give producers a chance to interact and get a better feel for the current wheat situation, which is especially important since we are about 60 days away from new crop wheat harvest in Texas," says Justin Gilpin, CEO of the Kansas Wheat Commission. He adds that he hopes Kansas wheat producers will use the information in this seminar to guide their business plans and marketing decisions.
An added feature of this seminar is that it will be offered via the web to those who are unable to attend in person. Fowler says he is excited about the additional outreach opportunity of this medium.
"By offering the seminar on the web we will be able to have the maximum number of producers participate both in Kansas and across the U.S.," Fowler says. He adds that the web connection is free of change. Those who would like to participate on-site will be charged a $75 registration fee to cover their meal costs.
To view the schedule and register, please go to the IGP website at www.grains.ksu.edu/igp. The registration deadline is March 25.
(Source: http://www.hpj.com/archives/2011/mar11/mar21/0315WheatMarketAnalysisSemi.cfm)